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Keeping Our Clients and Staff Safe

Can I bring a guest to my appointment?

Due to capacity limitations, we ask that you come alone to your appointment if possible.

Do I need to wear a mask during my appointment?

No, but you are welcome to wear one if it makes you feel more comfortable!

Do I need to make an appointment?

Walk- ins are welcome, but calling ahead is strongly encouraged.

Do you Accept all major credit cards?

Yes, but we ask gratuity to be paid in cash.

How are you keeping the salon clean?​

In addition to our normal cleaning procedures, all stations and tools are sanitized before and after each client.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please give 24-hour notice to cancel your appointment, if possible. After any no-show or second cancellation within 24 hours, we will require a credit card number for future bookings.

Can I add gratuity on my credit card?

Sorry, gratuities cannot be charged to your credit card. We do have three different banks/atms in the shopping center if needed.

Can I purchase a gift card?

Yes, gift cards are available to purchase in the salon!

Get Your Personalized Salon Experience Today